Thursday, September 22, 2011

Guinea Pigs

I have guinea pigs. They are cute and squeaky and fun. They are great pets for my little J and K as long as I am supervising them closely. Currently there are two of these small rodents in our family: Eddy Pig and Benny Pig.

I bought Eddy Pig a few months ago at a local pet shop. He was underweight, beat up, and had a nasty abscess under his chin. He was abandoned at the pet store by owners who no longer wanted him and my guess is took very poor care of him. The pet store was going to feed him to a snake because of his health issues! Needless to say, being an animal lover, especially of small animals, I said I would buy him. Sick or not Eddy pig came home with me. Eddy showed signs that he was not feeling well when I first brought him home but after a day of good timothy hay based pellets and some greens he was a lot more spry. It took another month to heal his abscess all the way and a month more before he started to come out of his shell. K was in love with Eddy from day one and the two spent quite a bit of time together watching Iron Man and eating carrots over the summer. Then K went back to pre-school and Eddy Pig seemed lonely.

Enter Benny Pig. Ben was a lonely little guy too from a home that no longer wanted to keep him. His previous owners put him up on Craig's List where I found him. Ben is about 2 years old and at first appeared health to me. After having him for awhile I started to notice that his feet seems swollen and odd. Ben had developed bumble foot from living on soiled litter in his previous life and I'm afraid other more permanent damage to his little feet. I have had Ben now for about 3 weeks and his feet have been improving more and more each day but he still has a ways to go.

The guinea pigs are very happy now living with us. They have a huge C&C cage (more on that development later), get half a cup each of green-good-for-them-veggies every day, all the hay they can eat, and Oxbow timothy pellet guinea pig food. These little guys have been a delight to have around. So much fun for me and the boys.

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